Don't panic, it's just a hobby .
FPS writes :
Here's some fine introductory
considerations for builders, customizers,
upgraders and users of desktop gaming pc's.
The subject of desktop pc gaming contains
a group of topics that are most worthy of
Listing some of these topics I include :
Desktop PC Game Reviews ;
Sins of a Solar Empire
Starshatter : The Gathering Storm
Desktop Gaming Software Info ;
Sins of a Solar Empire
Can your computer run Crysis?
Desktop Gaming Hardware Info ;
The Custom-Built PC
General Hardware
Build Your Own Desktop Gaming Pc
The Newest Desktop games and their
developers are of interest to me, as it is
their software that I am intent to use on my
desktop gaming pc .
Happily there is much information available
for the study of nearly any desktop pc game .
In order to play a specific game, the desktop
gaming pc must have the best possible
hardware and software specifications
necessary to play the game.
Most desktop pc games including the
newest, most popular, most critically
reviewed and the most the top rated games,
provide desktop pc system requirement
specifications, including minimum and
recommended pc system requirement
The recommended pc system specifications
for the newest, top rated and most popular
desktop pc games is of much interest to me
because they imply that if my pc system
hardware and software meet or exceed these
recommended system specifications, then I
should be able to play the game without a
serious problem.
The implication of meeting or exceeding the
recommended system requirement
specifications is also interesting to me, as it
implies that with some extra pc technical
efforts, I may be able to enhance, maximize
and optimize the desktop systems game
playing performance.
The recommended system requirements of
the newest, top rated and most popular
desktop pc game can also be used as a guide
in future projects for desktop pc building,
customizing and upgrading with newer
software and hardware specifications .
Exceeding the recommended hardware and
software specifications for the newest and
best rated game may also improve my
desktop pc's ability to play other gaming title
options, that will probably come to my
attention later .
As I study these topics, I also study the kinds,
modes, and types of games that I want to
play, which at the moment happen to be :
First person shooters ;
Desktop PC Top Rated
Surface Combat Naval Simulatons ;
Distant Guns
Enigma: Rising Tide
Fighting Steel: World War II Surface Combat 1939-1942
Starship Combat Simulatons ;
Starshatter : The Gathering Storm
Independence War 2 : Edge of Chaos
FreeSpace 2
Offline pc single player mode and
Offline pc LAN multi player mode ;
One might ask, why would i avoid online pc
multi player mode, in favor of offline pc single
player mode and offline pc LAN multi player
mode ?
Good question, since many of the top rated,
best reviewed, and most popular pc game
titles, generally contain online and offline
multi player mode programs in their game
software .
Furthermore, some of these games have only
limited amounts of offline pc single player
mode content, optimizing instead for
multiplayer modes online or offline .
Some of them are developed only for online pc
player mode .
I've studied some great reviews for pc games
that I would buy and play, except for the fact
that they can only be played online, whether it
be in multi player or single player mode .
Hopefully game developers and publishers are
not forsaking the offline pc single play desktop
gamers, in favor of the online pc multi players.
After all, my favorite mode of play is offline
desktop single player mode and that means
me against the desktop, man vs. machine,
with no online connection required .
So if they ever decide to re release these
games in offline pc single player mode or
offline pc multi player LAN mode, maybe I
would buy them and play them some day.
So, why would I avoid online pc multi player
mode ?
My first answer is, that it is costly.
In most cases users of this online pc game
genre are paying premium bucks for monthly
DSL Internet service, in order to play their
favorite games in this competitive mode .
I admit, that I know less about the technical
aspects of online pc multi player mode then I do
about other player modes .
In their defense I would never want to deny
online pc multi player gamers of even a
slightest second of happiness .
I am glad that they can enjoy that mode, and
I suppose that the game developers and
publishers receive plenty of pc gaming
feedback from them, which can improve the
desktop gaming pc genre across the board .
However, some of these online pc multi
player style games can also be used in offline
pc multi player LAN mode .
My experiences with offline multi player
LAN mode have been favorable .
I have found it to be consumer friendly and
user friendly .
It is not as costly and it is not DSL, Internet,
or online dependent .
It does require some additional technical
efforts on the part of the users, but that's not
hard to come by in offline multi player LAN
networks .
But as stated earlier my favorite mode of play
is single player and that means me against the
desktop, man vs. machine, with no online
connection required .
As I study these topics, I find that the
Information available from desktop pc
hardware, software and gameware
providers and desktop pc game critics,
reviewers, developers, publishers,
players and custom desktop gaming pc
builders is a most useful supplement
to my ongoing desktop gaming pc
activities .
The Desktop Gaming PC Network
of Farmers Branch Texas .
A desktop gaming pc user does not have to hail
from Farmers Branch Texas to network with
The Desktop Gaming PC Network of Farmers
Branch, Texas.
Send comments or questions to
The Desktop Gaming PC Network
of Farmers Branch, Texas :